1000 Your Computer [LEO]
A layman's guide to the new LEO computer installed at Southgate Road, Hackney. Describes Programs, Files, Data, Printed Results, Documentation. Undated but the LEO Computer Society says a LEO III/94 computer (but not a 360 model as stated in the arti.....
1010 A Virtual LEO
About the formation of LOLA and the emulation of the LEO Payroll system on LOLA's IBM computer.
1020 Transition from LEO to LOLA's IBM
A short article written recalling a hair-raising event of March 1972 when converting the LEO Rates data to a format readable by the IBM computer. Ray Smith was at LOLA from 1970-78 and previously at LBJCC from 1966 and then LBMSU from 1968).
Transition from LEO to LOLA's IBM
1030 LOLA, a LEO III Lives On
A brief history of LOLA and how it acquired a LEO III computer. Then about how this LOLA project is capturing and recording information about LOLA. [Awaiting publication as of Aug. 2024]
1035 The Introduction of Computer Processing of Vaccination Records
A paper describing a project to computerise children's vaccination records. The analysis was undertaken by Mr. Mills of the LBMSU (maybe Alan Mills) and the system was to be developed on LBMSU's LEO III computer. Article is a paper within Hillingdon .....
The Introduction of Computer Processing of Vaccination Records
1040 London Borough of Haringey Long Term Computer Study - A First Report
This report was produced for the London Borough of Haringey in order to make more widely available a concise statement of the origins and aims of its long-term computer study which it commissioned from the LBMSU
London Borough of Haringey Long Term Computer Study - A First Report
1050 Request for Quotation for North East London Computer Scheme
This is the tender document requesting quotations for hardware and software to realise the ambitious requirements set out in the above Report on the Initial Study. The document was issued for the existing North-East London Computer Scheme as it was t.....
Request for Quotation for North East London Computer Scheme
1060 Report on the Initial Study, Long Term Computer Project for the London Borough of Haringey [The Yellow Report] - Sections A-J [3 copies] [for Appendices see Asset No. 1070]
This was Haringey's comprehensive strategic study into it's future computing requirements covering nearly all aspects of the council's operations. This report was made available widely to entice other London Boroughs to join the venture. Note: Scann.....
1070 Report on the Initial Study, Long Term Computer Project for the London Borough of Haringey [The Yellow Report] - Appx. 1-6 [3 copies] [for the Main Report see Asset No. 1060]
This was Haringey's comprehensive strategic study into it's future computing requirements covering nearly all aspects of the council's operations. This report was made available widely to entice other London Boroughs to join the venture. Note: Scanne.....
1080 Rating System - System Outline [Screen Designs]
13 screen layouts with notes. Covers: 1. Name and address search, 2. Ratepayer detail panel, 3. Payment detail panel, 4. Ratepayer recovery panel, 5. Property detail panel, 6. Property Account Summary, 7. Property Transaction panel, 8.Create or amend.....
Rating System - System Outline [Screen Designs]
1090 Report from the Working Party on Accountancy and Budgetary Control to the Chief Officer's Steering Panel [x2 copies]
Report summarises the work of Working Party into the requirements of a Accountancy and Budgetary Control System. The system needed to link to the central people, property and resource data developed as the core foundation for LOLA. The system needed .....
1100 A1722 [Cost Centre Estimates Notification Transaction] [Program Flowchart]
Handwritten flowchart for transaction program module A1722. Presumably part of A17 Cost Centre Estimates Notification transaction/program, part of the Accountancy and Budgetary Control system. Document is difficult to read. Right-hand margin appears .....
A1722 [Cost Centre Estimates Notification Transaction] [Program Flowchart]
1110 Accountancy and Budgetary Control System Specification
Detailed specification for the Accountancy and Budgetary Control System. Sections for Contents*, Introduction*, Glossary*, On-line programs: A11 Interrogate*, J11 Job Data Base Interrogation, A12 Notify, A13 Request, A14 Transfers, A15 Activities; Ba.....
Accountancy and Budgetary Control System Specification
1120 A Review of Soundex Name Matching
From its inception LOLA adopted name matching using Soundex, a method of classifying and matching surnames to a 6 character key based on how the name sounded. This paper describes the problem where some surnames had a cohert of more than a 1,000 name.....
A Review of Soundex Name Matching
1130 Amendments to X00 Name Enquiry Transaction for Community Charge
In 1990 the property tax called Rates was replaced by a person tax called Community Charge (aka Poll Tax). This Memo and report outlines changes to the X00 Names Enquiry Transaction so that performance will not degrade when Community Charge is implem.....
Amendments to X00 Name Enquiry Transaction for Community Charge
1140 Notes about Names and Addresses for Community Charge and Rates
In 1990 the property tax called Rates was replaced by a person tax called Community Charge (aka Poll Tax). This note highlights some pitfalls when amendments are made to Community Charge address records impact other application records linked to that.....
Notes about Names and Addresses for Community Charge and Rates
1150 Personal Charge Accounts - Format of Personal names [Memo[
Memo raises the issue of some Personal Charge Accounts incorrectly have joint names (e.g. Mr & Mrs Smith). This may lead to none legality of notices; documents may be ignored by recipients; and name matching will fail. Refers to list of such cases (n.....
Personal Charge Accounts - Format of Personal names [Memo[
1160 Notes of meeting at LB Hillingdon to discuss Walksort on 19 September 1995
Meeting involved staff from the London Borough of Hillingdon, LOLA (now CMF London-North), and Royal Mail. Walksort was a new service from the Royal Mail from 1 October 1995 and gave bulk mail senders a discount if the mail was pre-sorted and bundled.....
Notes of meeting at LB Hillingdon to discuss Walksort on 19 September 1995
1170 Requirements for producing WALKSORTED files for mailing
Walksort was a service from the Royal Mail gaving bulk mail senders a discount if the mail was pre-sorted and bundled by Walksort codes. These codes are derived from RM Postcodes and discounts for sorting by Postcode will end. Document outlines how L.....
Requirements for producing WALKSORTED files for mailing
1190 X12 Initial Design [Property Transaction Program Flowchart]
Handwritten high level initial design flowchart for transaction program X12 showing inputs, sub-modules, flows and outputs. Flowchart illustrates the LOLA design of multi-step transactions (5 for X12) with the need to backout all steps in case of a u.....
X12 Initial Design [Property Transaction Program Flowchart]
1200 Payroll Phase III - Gross to Net - Outline Specification
Handwritten, looks like initial draft with many sub-headings but some sections with few details. Sections are: User Data, Input, Vetting, Output, Intermediate Records, Input, Validation, Gross, Output, Records. Seems to be a photocopy of Asset no. 12.....
Payroll Phase III - Gross to Net - Outline Specification
1220 H51 Debit Raising - Data Flow Diagrams [Housing]
Mix handwritten Data Flow diagrams and typed text for the Housing program H51 [Amend maximum rents]. Diagrams cover levels 1 to 3 with level 3 covering Former Account Processing, Current Account Processing, Let Account Processing. Also Payment Histor.....
H51 Debit Raising - Data Flow Diagrams [Housing]
1240 [External] Interfaces with FMA/Creditors [Memo+Report]
Memo refers to the difficulties of building bridges [data links] between external borough systems and the LOLA FMA [Financial Management Accounting] or Creditors systems. Attached is a report of the outcome of various meetings to address the problem......
[External] Interfaces with FMA/Creditors [Memo+Report]
1250 Council Tax System - Initial Design Paper for Schedules [paper 1 non-Council-owned residences]
Schedules were part of the historic Rates system and held an index of all the Rateable properties owned by a Landlord. The new Council Tax system was a tax on individuals living in a property rather than a tax on the properties. Paper outlines how LO.....
Council Tax System - Initial Design Paper for Schedules [paper 1 non-Council-owned residences]
1260 Council Tax System - Initial Design Paper for Schedules - Additions [paper 2 Council-owned residences]
Paper outlines how LOLA will adapt its systems from Council Tax for Council-owned residences. Contains application sheet shots. Note: See Paper 1 for non-Council-owned residences.
1270 Council Tax Benefits System Overview
System overview of the Council Tax Benefits System [CBT] that will calculate and notify the level of CTB to be paid to each claimant. Provides direct links to the Housing Benefits System and indirect data transfer with the Council Tax System. Provide.....
Council Tax Benefits System Overview
1290 Spatial Analysis + Data Dictionary Definition Forms
Handwritten pages of design ideas for Spatial Analysis of properties based on their geographical properties. Makes reference to X57 & X58 programs and PIPS (Names & Address System). Includes formula and an example from Surrey County Planning Departme.....
Spatial Analysis + Data Dictionary Definition Forms
1320 Report from the Working Party on Purchase Control and Creditors Procedures to the Chief Officer's Steering Panel
Report summarises the work of Working Party into the requirements of a Purchase Control and Creditors System. The system needed to link to the central people data developed as the core foundation for LOLA. The objectives were to ensure that goods or .....
1330 Property Information & Progressing System (PIPS) 1972
Application Notes about the particular system. Added to the website Application page & at the end of the Documents page.
Property Information & Progressing System (PIPS) 1972
1340 Rent Rebate and Rate Rebate System 1982
Application Notes about the particular system
Rent Rebate and Rate Rebate System 1982
1350 Housing Benefits System 1988
Application Notes about the particular system
1360 Community Charge Benefits System 1990
Application Notes about the particular system
Community Charge Benefits System 1990
1370 Council Tax Benefits System 1993
Application Notes about the particular system.
Council Tax Benefits System 1993
1380 Rates System 1972
Application Notes about the particular system.
1400 Application Reference Card (G) [Overview]
One of a series of fan-folded cards produced as an aide-memoir for users. This card list 15 systems with their batch and on-line facilities, interfaces, development direction, customer base and key statistics.
Application Reference Card (G) [Overview]
1410 Application Reference Card (D) Creditors & Income
One of a series of fan-folded cards produced as an aide-memoir for users. This card is for the Creditors & Income system. It lists the weekly, end-of-year and ad-hoc batch runs, and on-line facilities. There are 7 pages of flowcharts showing inputs, .....
Application Reference Card (D) Creditors & Income
1420 Application Reference Card (D) FMA
One of a series of fan-folded cards produced as an aide-memoir for users. This card is for the FMA [Financial Management and Accounts] system. It lists the daily, weekly, end-of-year and ad-hoc batch runs, and on-line facilities. There are 9 pages of.....
Application Reference Card (D) FMA
1430 Application Reference Card (D) Housing
One of a series of fan-folded cards produced as an aide-memoir for users. This card is for the Housing system. It lists the main components of the Housing system, commonly used terms, weekly, ad-hoc batch runs, and on-line programs. There are 8 pages.....
Application Reference Card (D) Housing
1440 Application Reference Card (D) Housing Benefits & PIPS
One of a series of fan-folded cards produced as an aide-memoir for users. This card is for the Housing Benefits & PIPS [Property Information Progressing System] systems. It lists the daily, weekly, bulk and ad-hoc batch runs, and on-line transactions.....
Application Reference Card (D) Housing Benefits & PIPS
1450 Application Reference Card (D) Payroll
One of a series of fan-folded cards produced as an aide-memoir for users. This card is for the Payroll system. It lists the main files and runs for each Borough, codes used, the weekly, monthly and ad-hoc batch runs, and on-line programs. There are .....
Application Reference Card (D) Payroll
The purpose of the document was to propose amendments to the IMS high-level menu screens and to seek agreement from the borough CCMs to implement this proposal. This was linked to the introduction of new LOLA screen design standards and to help the t.....
1470 Tips for IMS Users
2pp of tips for using IMS from a 3278 visual display screen. Includes how to access messages, transaction and database availability, how to unfreeze a frozen test session.
1480 Application Reference Card (D) Rates
The 6th card covering Rates was known to have existed but is currently missing. Note: Dummy card created for the website.
Application Reference Card (D) Rates
1490 System Development Division Handbook,
Contains organisational chart for LOLA and Systems Development Division, roles of the Applications Co-ordinators, Work Control System, Administration processes (e.g. time keeping), Operations (tape usage and security).
System Development Division Handbook,
1500 Pensions [Staff Handbook]
Booklet written to familiarise LOLA staff of the pension changes following the Financial Services Act of 1986, that came into force in 1988, allowing personal pension plans.
1520 Business Consultancy & Development Organisational Chart
A chart produced after a re-organisation and re-naming of the Applications Division. This was after LOLA was outsource to CFM.
Business Consultancy & Development Organisational Chart
1530 Staff Instructions [for new staff] [LBMSU Memorandum]
A document explaining the LBMSU Background, Joining Instructions, Gradings, Hours of Work, Leave, Allowances, Housing and Car Loans, Removal Expenses, Private Telephone Calls, National & Local Government Association, and other administrative faciliti.....
Staff Instructions [for new staff] [LBMSU Memorandum]
1540 LOLA Job Advertisement for Systems Staff x3
4 job adverts (3 originals inc. 1 damaged, and 1 Daily Telegraph recreated) seeking programmers and analysts at various levels from junior to principal. Whilst skills requirements are not stated, 3 adverts refer to the use of MFT-II, IMS and PL/1. On.....
LOLA Job Advertisement for Systems Staff x3
1550 Change of Accommodation [Memorandum to Staff Changing Offices - Friday 11 August 1972]
1 page outlines arrangements and 2 pages of floor plans [ground and 1st] showing the various offices but not the computer room. Some rooms have staff names or job titles.
Change of Accommodation [Memorandum to Staff Changing Offices - Friday 11 August 1972]
1555 LOLA Job Advert for Systems Analyst and Senior Programmer
A Computer Weekly job advert for Systems Analyst and Senior Programmer with experience of PL/1 offering salary of ₤4,900 to ₤6,390 depending upon age, qualifications and experience. At this time LOLA had a 2 MB 370/158 with over 100 VDUs .....
LOLA Job Advert for Systems Analyst and Senior Programmer
1560 Trainee Computer Programmers [Job Advert]
A handwritten draft advertisement to recruit 'A' level and graduate trainee programmers x4. Makes reference to IBM 370/158 mainframe that LOLA acquired in August 1973. This was subsequently replaced in 1984-85.
Trainee Computer Programmers [Job Advert]
1565 Programmers and Trainee Programmers [Job Advert]
An advert for Programmers and Trainee Programmers placed in Computer Weekly. Outlines experience required and salary range. Lists the 2 large IBM computers installed (due for replacement) plus a network of over 300 terminals. Note 1: the Repro includ.....
Programmers and Trainee Programmers [Job Advert]
1580 LOLA Re-Organisation - Meeting of Staff - 24th May, 1984
A draft report listing the outstanding issues, with alternative courses of action, arising from the Working Party reviewing the proposed organisation changes. Issues are: 1. Principal Programmer Posts, 2. Grading of the PCG Project Leader, 3. Differe.....
LOLA Re-Organisation - Meeting of Staff - 24th May, 1984
1590 Information Bulletin, Vol. 20 No. 4
This Information Bulletin contains an article by the then new Director of LOLA, John Birke. Other articles include MEMO (LOLA's email system), mainframe systems including Housing, Benefits, Rates, Payroll and FMA (Finance)/Creditors. Also articles ab.....
Information Bulletin, Vol. 20 No. 4
1600 Information Bulletin, Vol. 21 No. 1
This Information Bulletin 1st article looks back to LOLA's creation 21 years ago. Other articles include linking Tower Hamlets AS/400 mini computer to LOLA's mainframe, on Elsie (the new Land Charges system), LOLA's applications running under CICS, m.....
Information Bulletin, Vol. 21 No. 1
1610 Tower Points [Newsletter]
First Newsletter after LOLA was transferred to CFM. Includes a "hello" from Keith McDowall, Deputy General Manager, CFM LOLA. Target audience seems to be both LOLA staff and management/staff at the client councils.. Dated Summer 1993
1650 Transfer to LOLA Employment 1st October 1972 [Memorandum + attachments]
A memo to all staff with 3 attachments, some personalised, regarding the transfer of staff from LBMSU to LOLA on 1 October 1972. Documents are: 1. Covering Memo from Finance Officer [1pp] 2. Contracts of Employment [anonymised] [4pp] 3. Offer of Empl.....
Transfer to LOLA Employment 1st October 1972 [Memorandum + attachments]
1660 Transfer to LOLA Employment 1st October 1972 [+ attachments] [Memorandum to LOLA Staff from LBMSU Finance Officer]
Includes formal Contract of Employment Act 1963 and Sections 19-21 Industrial Relations Act 1971 letter, general Transfer Notice, and Additional Particulars letter, transferring employees from LBMSU to LOLA on 1st October 1972. [4 documents, 10pp]. N.....
1690 Retirement Letters from Derek Schartau to all LOLA Staff + DS's key career dates
Retirement letter from Derek Schartau to all LOLA Staff 12 June 1985; DS's key career dates from LOLA News No. 85 June 1985; Post retirement letter from Derek Schartau to all LOLA Staff from LOLA News No. 86 December 1985.
Retirement Letters from Derek Schartau to all LOLA Staff + DS's key career dates
1700 Transfer to CFM Employment 1 April 1993 [Sample Letters to LOLA employees]
4 Letters/Memos all dated 23 December 1992 giving LOLA staff notice of transfer to CFM on 1 April 1993. Documents are: 1. Memo to all LOLA staff from John Birkle, Director re the letters below. 2. Cover letter to LOLA staff from Sam Leo, LOLA Honorar.....
Transfer to CFM Employment 1 April 1993 [Sample Letters to LOLA employees]
1730 Micro Computing Services, Introduction to [Training Course Handout]
Course handout for a Micro Computing Services introductory training course to LOLA Information Services Division. Covers Disk Operating System, (DOS), Backup of data, Networks & Communications, IRMA (IBM terminal emulation product), Applications Soft.....
Micro Computing Services, Introduction to [Training Course Handout]
1750 LOLA Forward Planning - Work Programme
Sets out the work of the FP Division focusing on the increasing use of APL; supporting boroughs in evaluating mini-computers, local printing, distributed computing, word processing and the need for a mainframe upgrade.
LOLA Forward Planning - Work Programme
1760 Letter from D Wood re Manpower Budget APL Facility
Letter praises the benefits of the APL facility in analysing manpower costs.
Letter from D Wood re Manpower Budget APL Facility
1770 LOLA Personal Computing Vol. 1, No. 1 [Newsletter]
First edition of the Personal Computer newsletter. It's aims were to inform users of new developments in personal computing, including microcomputers, and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and experience between users. Contents: 1. Brief .....
LOLA Personal Computing Vol. 1, No. 1 [Newsletter]
1780 Personal Computing - The Future Role and Organisation at LOLA
Outlines the history of personal computing at LOLA, the current state of the PC Support Group, inhibitors for future growth, organisational implications, and recommendations.
Personal Computing - The Future Role and Organisation at LOLA
1790 LOLA Personal Computing Service (overview)
Describes the Personal Computing Service support to end users, the budget for 1983/84, and how most end users could avoid programming directly in APL by using 'A Departmental Reporting System' (ADRS2) or 'APL Data Interface' (ADI).
LOLA Personal Computing Service (overview)
1800 The Evolution of LOLA's Information Centre
Describes the events which led up to the formation of LOLA's Personal Computing Group, how it has evolved since its inception and what problems it has encountered during its growth. Views expressed are the author's own. Sections: 1. Introduction, 2. .....
The Evolution of LOLA's Information Centre
1810 PL/1 Module Tester
This manual describes how to use the PL/1 Module Tester. This was a test harness using the PL/1 Preprocessor, that simulated terminal inputs and outputs. It allowed a programmer to test their on-line transaction without the need to book a display ter.....
1820 Procedures for Writing/Testing Programs
Handwritten first page with 8 steps to writing and testing a program using a modular approach, followed by 28pp of computer printouts. These appear to be pseudo code for the X51,X52 & X53 transaction programs related to PIPS (Names & Address System).
Procedures for Writing/Testing Programs
1830 Testing [guidelines for LOLA programmers]
Handwritten paper with sections on: Introduction,Test Plan, Testing Procedure, Batch Testing Aids, TP Testing Aids, Backout/Recovery Procedures, Backout of BTS Jobs. Mentions IBM's Batch Testing Program rather than the PL/1 Module Tester. Maybe 1993 .....
Testing [guidelines for LOLA programmers]
1840 Benefits Notes [Batch Testing System]
Paper appears to be about the Batch Testing System. Sections: 1. BTS [Batch Testing System] - list of components 2. Databases - Utopia Databases: Copying, Dumps and Restores, Problems 3. IMS-XPERT - using this commercial cloud based software 4. PL1/.....
Benefits Notes [Batch Testing System]
1850 LOLA's Database Rules
Provides a tables showing the Rates database name, segment name, and the IMS rule for insert, delete and replace. PDF has additional notes.
1860 JCL Punch Cards x3
3 odd punch cards found among the papers from Martin. They are all Job Control Language (JCL) cards to instruct the Operating System, as they start with "//". The 1st peach coloured card is made by IBM; maybe the others are a cheaper 3rd party. The 3.....
1870 Gullible's Travels [an analysis of the pros and cons of ways of updating transaction screens]
A handwritten paper together with 6 example printed screen shots comparing how LOLA transactions allow users to update information, either by directly changing a data field (over-typing) or by entering the changed data into a new field (old value/new.....
Gullible's Travels [an analysis of the pros and cons of ways of updating transaction screens]
1880 Investigation into TIMS (On-Line Help Facility for IMS) + Report on the Evaluation of the TIMS 'Help' Facility
3 parts: Part 1 (2pp) is a covering letter explains the need for an integrated IMS on-line help facility and proposes a trial using TIMS (Transaction Information and Message Screening System). It refers to its use by Rank Xerox and British Airways. P.....
1890 IMS restrictions on 'Switching' [Memo]
Memo about an IMS rule that the author was unaware that an IMS application program cannot 'Switch' from a core SPA transaction (with a < 160 byte SPA) to a disc SPA transaction (with a > 160 byte SPA).
IMS restrictions on 'Switching' [Memo]
1930 SDSF Changes - New Version of SDSF 1.2
Note that Version 1.2 of the System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) was installed today [24.09.89] and listing major differences. Subsequent pages list earlier changes on 10.01.89, 10.10.88, 13.03.88 and 13.01.88
SDSF Changes - New Version of SDSF 1.2
1960 TP Programming Guidelines [Memo]
Memo about 2. Integrity Considerations and 2. Performance Considerations with example, both re Message Processing Programs (MPP).
TP Programming Guidelines [Memo]
1970 Error Reporting Docket [completed]
Error Reporting Docket reporting a error in Community Charge transaction YE35.
Error Reporting Docket [completed]
1980 Blocksizes [Memo]
Memo + 1pp attachment giving a brief guideline on how to work out the best blocksize for sequential and partitioned datasets. Refers to storage on the IBM 3380 magnetic disk storage devices.
2000 DC/IMS-Xpert PSBs/Tranactions [Memo]
Memo + 1pp attachment giving guidelines to defining IMS Program Specification Blocks (PSBs) and ISPF XPERT XREFS to ensure users are only allowed to browse data for their own London Borough. Note 1: this note refers to an agreement with Hackney & Har.....
DC/IMS-Xpert PSBs/Tranactions [Memo]
2010 IMS Development System: Miscellaneous Information [Memo]
Memo explaining the introduction of running 2 IMS systems simultaneously: a production system for all the boroughs + training (Y) and a testing system ('Utopia'). Includes new JCL Procedures, how to access either system, the availability of ISOPF, TI.....
IMS Development System: Miscellaneous Information [Memo]
2040 DC/IMS-Xpert PSBs/Tranactions [Updated Memo]
An amended version of the 4 July 1990 memo (Asset No. 2000) where it refers collectively to all the boroughs.
DC/IMS-Xpert PSBs/Tranactions [Updated Memo]
2050 IMS Commands
Marked: 'For LOLA Internal Use Only'. Paper lists various IMS Commands for use at a visual display unit (VDU) [aka terminal].
2070 CTB [Council Tax Benefits] Databases [Memo]
Memo informing Council Tax Benefit Team members that there a now 2 main data sets: one for on-line testing and the other for batch testing, plus 3 secondary data sets. 2nd attached memo lists details for the 5 datasets.
CTB [Council Tax Benefits] Databases [Memo]
2100 Cut and Paste from TSO to MEMO [Memo]
Print of LOLA's internal email [called MEMO] describing how to copy text on a terminal screen into a MEMO message.
Cut and Paste from TSO to MEMO [Memo]
2150 Summary of Operational Programs Maintained by SPG (as at 1st Sept 1978) [Table+Detailed Lists]
Summary Table listing Applications with total number of programs in suites, breakdown (numbers) by Programming Language, Complexity, Frequent (Statutory), Mainly User, and Fairly Stable. 14 x Detailed Pages each listing all the programs in a suite, .....
Summary of Operational Programs Maintained by SPG (as at 1st Sept 1978) [Table+Detailed Lists]
2170 LOLA Computer Hardware & Network diagram
Shows the mainframe and network components following the installation of the IBM 370/158. PDF has additional 3 pp of notes by Alan Cooper.
LOLA Computer Hardware & Network diagram
2180 LOLA Christmas Party 1971 - Souvenir Programme [in pink pocket folder]
A Souvenir Programme for the LOLA Christmas Party 1971, held at The George, Enfield Town on 22 Dec 1971. Contents: Cover, Programme, Buffet, Entertainment, Cabaret, Public Transport times. See the photos for this and similar events.
LOLA Christmas Party 1971 - Souvenir Programme [in pink pocket folder]
2185 LOLA News No. 72, December 1980 [example from Asset No. 2250]
An example LOLA News, the staff magazine, this being the earliest one available. This Christmas issue also commemorates the 10th Anniversary of the creation of LOLA. It contains Christmas greetings from the Councils' LOLA Committee Chair and LOLA's D.....
LOLA News No. 72, December 1980 [example from Asset No. 2250]
2190 LOLA Sports & Social Club miscellanies [pink pocket folder]
Papers on Superstar Swimming (1973), Golf (1974), Car Rally (1976), Lyke Lake Walk (c1978), Charity Marathon (1976), Pentathlon (1981,82,83), LOLA Mile (1987), Pony Treking (undated), Golf (undated), LOLA vs BOC/Murex 3 Mile Run (undated), Octathlon .....
LOLA Sports & Social Club miscellanies [pink pocket folder]
2200 LOLA Cricket Newsletter, No. 1, 22/6/81 [within yellow pocket folder]
Newsletter of 2 pages and 3 pages of player stats) of the first Cricket Newsletter. Written by Alan Blanks in very neat handwriting. Alan was a respected and very well liked founder employee who was involved in much of LOLA's social life. Tragically .....
LOLA Cricket Newsletter, No. 1, 22/6/81 [within yellow pocket folder]
2210 LOLA Sports & Social Club miscellanies [yellow pocket folder]
Papers on Ten Pin Bowling player stats (1975), Computastars (1979), LOLA [Commonwealth European] Games (1980), Pentathlon (1980), Mid-Week Cricket League (1980), Football match write-up (1983), LOLA Cricket inc. bowling player stats (1984), London Ma.....
LOLA Sports & Social Club miscellanies [yellow pocket folder]
2230 LOLA News No. 85, June 1985 [example from Asset No. 2250]
An example LOLA News, the staff magazine. This issue contains a tribute to the Director, Derek Schartua on his retirement. It contains copies of article from LOLA News in 1972 & 1975, photos from 1973 & 1980 and a list of notable dates in Derek's car.....
LOLA News No. 85, June 1985 [example from Asset No. 2250]
2245 Timeline of 15 years of LOLA article
LOLA news magazine article to celebrate 15 years of LOLA official existence (1971 to 1986). Highlights key events from 1949 when the Metropolitan Boroughs' Joint Standing Committee established an O&M department that in 1956/7 investigated electroni.....
Timeline of 15 years of LOLA article
2250 LOLA News [15 issues - tranche 1]
LOLA news magazine reporting on new starters and leavers, social events like Car Treasure Hunts, trips and the infamous Christmas Parties, NALGO (Union) news, sports teams including Badminton, Chess, Cricket, Football, Golf, Marathons, Octathlons, Pe.....
LOLA News [15 issues - tranche 1]
2255 LOLA News [14 issues - tranche 2]
LOLA news magazine reporting on new starters and leavers, social events like Car Treasure Hunts, trips (e.g. skiing), Beer Brewing, Quiz Nights, and the infamous Christmas Parties, NALGO (Union) news, sports teams including Chess, Cricket, Darts, Foo.....
LOLA News [14 issues - tranche 2]
2260 Bowling [Ten Pin] Averages as at 30 Oct 75 [computer printout] [from yellow folder]
From the early days the Sports & Social Club had a Ten Pin Bowling group that played at the Hoddesdon Bowl (until that burnt down when the group played at the David Lloyd Centre in Enfield). A program was written to run on the mainframe to maintain a.....
Bowling [Ten Pin] Averages as at 30 Oct 75 [computer printout] [from yellow folder]
2310 LOLA Brochure [2nd version] [Colour]
A professionally created coloured brochure about LBMSU, LOLA, the LEO lll and IBM 360/50 computers, and the benefits the new system will deliver to the participating Borough Councils. Date 1974 is based on text referencing LOLA acquiring the IBM 370/.....
LOLA Brochure [2nd version] [Colour]
2320 Experiences in using IMS/2 for a consortium of Local Authorities
Presentation to PATRAC. Outlines the development of the first Rates application, the data base design and the technical challenges arising from using the new IMS software. Includes the presentation's 8 slides of database structures (2pp)
Experiences in using IMS/2 for a consortium of Local Authorities
2330 London Boroughs On-line rating system
Describes how the work processes have changed and drastically speeded-up in the Rates office following the move to the LOLA on-line real-time system. Appendix A list the 9 Rates transactions and the functions they perform. Journal is produced by the .....
London Boroughs On-line rating system
2340 IMS/2 at LOLA
Presentation to NCC Database Software Conference, Bristol, UK. Outlines the development of the first Rates application, the data base design and the technical challenges arising from using the new IMS software. Includes the presentation's 18 slides .....
2350 Why only LOLA appears to be succeeding
Compares the success of LOLA with the less ambitious London Boroughs Joint Computer Committee's (LBJCC) approach and decline. Reproduced with permission of Computing ©.
Why only LOLA appears to be succeeding
2360 Case Study - LOLA - Open University Course M352 Computer-based Information Systems
In 1980 the Open University produced a LOLA Case Study to support a module in their Mathematics course M352 Computer-based Information Systems. The document focuses on the Rates application and provides details on the data requirements and data base .....
Case Study - LOLA - Open University Course M352 Computer-based Information Systems
2370 LOLA Computer Services [Booklet]
An A5 booklet briefly describing 16 applications plus 7 packages and other technical and support facilities available to LOLA customers. Back page lists the departments within the Computer Division. Undated but dated a per the other booklet in the s.....
LOLA Computer Services [Booklet]
2380 LOLA Brochure [Black & White]
An A5 black & white booklet that describes What is LOLA?, The Facilities, The Administration, The Computer, Statistics, The Organisation, Applications, Planning and Consultancy, Computer Division, Staff and location map.
2390 LOLA Brochure [1st version] [Colour]
A professionally created coloured brochure about LBMSU, LOLA, the LEO lll and IBM 360/50 computers, and the benefits the new system will deliver to the participating Borough Councils. Note: See Asset No. 2310 for a 2nd later edition.
LOLA Brochure [1st version] [Colour]
2400 London boroughs 'on-line'
Outlines the creation of LOLA, the cost justification, the data conversion aspects and the next phase. Photos of a video-display unit in operation at Haringey rates office and an operator at the IBM 360/50 console. Reproduced with permission of the B.....
2410 IBM Perspective - Information Centre Managers Forum
News report on a two day 8th meeting of the Forum with some 50 IBM customers. Keith Callaghan (LOLA's Personal Computing Group Leader) was in the chair. Topics include: the role of the then new PC, linking mainframe computers to modern telephone exch.....
IBM Perspective - Information Centre Managers Forum
2420 Sale of London computer consortium sparks battle
Magazine article concerning the bids from Capita and CFM to purchase LOLA. LOLA is quoted as saying the sale allows further development outside the restrictions of the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970 and to pre-empt the extension of c.....
Sale of London computer consortium sparks battle
2430 Flowcharting Template x2 [1st & 2nd]
A semi opaque green plastic sheet with cut-outs for the various flowcharting symbols such as processing, punch cards, document, display, communication line. In the 1960s analysts and programmers were expected to draw by hand the program design logic .....
Flowcharting Template x2 [1st & 2nd]
2440 IBM System/360 Reference Data [Green Folded Card]
A handy concertina reference card for IBM System/360 programmers giving such information as the machine and assembler instruction set, condition codes, interruption codes, hexidecimal & decimal conversions, powers of 2 & 16, status & channel address .....
IBM System/360 Reference Data [Green Folded Card]
2450 Flowcharting Template [3rd]
A semi opaque green plastic sheet with cut-outs for the various flowcharting symbols such as processing, punch cards, document, display, communication line. In the 1960s analysts and programmers were expected to draw by hand the program design logic .....
2470 Successful Software Management - Infotech Seminar Report [handwritten notes & reproduction]
Martin's report on the Infotech seminar given by Ed Daley. Has a focus on Software Design Methods. Looks uncompleted. Reproduced from the original faded text.
Successful Software Management - Infotech Seminar Report [handwritten notes & reproduction]
2500 IBM 3270 Information Display Manual - Introduction (19th edition)
Chapters include the capabilities of the 3270, the range of display screens, printers and control units, programming support, and installation. Illustrated with colour and b&w photographs. Cover & Contents pages have been scanned.
IBM 3270 Information Display Manual - Introduction (19th edition)
2505 Haringey Planning Search [newspaper article]
A copy of a magazine/newspaper article (possibly Computer Weekly or Computing) about the launch of a Planning Search application for Haringey Borough. Application reduces search times from 16 weeks to 5 to 7 days. Written in PRO-IV and called 'Exchan.....
Haringey Planning Search [newspaper article]
2580 Improved Programming Technologies (2nd edition) - The Programming Dilemma: Maintenance vs Development
Document has two aims: 1) to illuminate the relationship between maintenance and development in a different light with the hope of making the problem easier to solve. 2) to suggest that the Improved Programming Technologies offer the best long-term s.....
2590 Jackson on Jackson - Infotech Course SG6 [x2 copies + handwritten draft]
Martin's report on Infotech Course SG6: Structured Program Design as advocated by Michael A. Jackson and known as JSP, together with Martin's conclusions and recommendations for LOLA..
Jackson on Jackson - Infotech Course SG6 [x2 copies + handwritten draft]
2600 Structured Design - Infotech 'State of the Art Conference' [x2 copies]
Martin's account of the 4 presentations given on the different structured design methodologies together with conclusions and recommendations. Presentations were on: 1. Computer Aided Software Requirements Engineering, 2. Functional Decomposition: SAD.....
Structured Design - Infotech 'State of the Art Conference' [x2 copies]
2610 EA65 Improved Programming Techniques (IPT)
Course handout covering Top-Down Programming (T-D), Hierarchy Input, Process, Output (HIPO), Team Operations (T-O), Development Support Libraries (DSL). Contents pages have been scanned.
EA65 Improved Programming Techniques (IPT)
2620 EA67 Program Design Course Outline
Handout for 5 day course covering Structured Design, HIPO, Data Structured Analysis, Software Tools. Cover & Contents pages have been scanned. Note: Page count an approximation.
EA67 Program Design Course Outline
2630 Operating System Background Notes for Programmers - Student Notes.
Handout for course covering Review of OS, Data management topics, Linkage Editor, Utilities, Examples of catalogued procedures, Problems. This course focuses on use of the Job Control Language (JCL). Cover & Contents pages have been scanned. Note: Pa.....
Operating System Background Notes for Programmers - Student Notes.
2640 System/360 OS Appreciation - Student Notes
Handout for an overview course for senior personnel covering: Programming, Task Management, Job Management, Data Management, Teleprocessing, Other topics. Plus c40 pages of Martin's handwritten notes. Cover & Contents pages have been scanned. Note: P.....
System/360 OS Appreciation - Student Notes
2650 OS Assembler Language Programming - Student Notes
Handout for 5 day course covering Assembler Language Techniques, Linkage, QSAM, The Timer, Operator Communications and List & Execute Forms; all with practical sessions. Cover & Contents pages have been scanned. Note: Page count an approximation.
OS Assembler Language Programming - Student Notes
2660 PL/1 'F' Advanced Workshop - Student Notes
Handout for 5 day course covering Storage Allocation, List Processing, Area & Offset, Refer, Preprocessor, OS facilities, Compiler Output, PL/1 Internals. Core Dumps, Optimisation; all with practical sessions. Cover & Contents pages have been scanned.....
PL/1 'F' Advanced Workshop - Student Notes
2670 PL/1 (F) - Language Reference Manual (4th Edition) [System/360 Operating System ]
Companion volume to PL/1 (F) Programmer's Guide Form GC28-6594. A well used and worn example but looks complete. 4th Edition. Cover & Contents pages have been scanned.
PL/1 (F) - Language Reference Manual (4th Edition) [System/360 Operating System ]
2680 PL/1 Language Reference Manual (1st Edition)
Companion volume to OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: Programmer's Guide. 1st Edition. Cover & Contents pages have been scanned (6pp). No. pages is taken from Contents. Full title is prefixed >DOS and OS<. This is a major release applicable to Release 4 o.....
PL/1 Language Reference Manual (1st Edition)
2690 Petrol Rationing Form, Book & Coupons
Petrol Rationing Form (2pp) completed by Jim Fothergill on account of him being "on-call" at LOLA, Ration Book (2pp) & Coupons received (1pp). In the event rationing was not implemented.
Petrol Rationing Form, Book & Coupons
Generated from LOLA Catalogue v14.xls created 2025-01-24 at 16:37:22. Generated on 2025-01-25 at 21:46:47