London On-line Local Authorities

Applications Reference Cards
and Statistics

These fan-folded cards were produced as an aide-memoire for users for LOLA's main applications. Each card listed all the on-line and batch transactions for one or two particular applications. They included flowcharts showing how the batch transactions (programs) linked together with their input and output files.

Below are links for 7 cards covering 9 applications. The first card is an overview and the other 6 are for one or two applications. The 6th card covering Rates was known to have existed but is currently missing. These cards are dated 1988/89, excepted the Housing card that is undated.

Below the links is a table providing some statistics about each application.

Many thanks to Martin Jackson for keeping these cards and making them available.

If you know of any more Application Reference Cards, then please contact Alan Cooper at network@ + this page's domain name or via my Linkedin page.

Click the image to see the card content. They open in a new, but the same, tab. The first card is an overview.

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Main Applications Statistics

Application Number On-line
Number Batch
Creditors 21 27
Income 0 12
Financial Managenent (FMA) 21 40
Housing [Lettings & Rents] 36 53
Housing Benefits Private Sector 14 18
Housing Benefits Public Sector 14 18
Property Information and Progressing System (PIPS) 3 12
Payroll 24 87
Rates 12 16
Totals 145 283


1: Rates numbers are from the overview card and may therefore be a summary count.
2: Many online transactions had multiple functions due to the IMS restriction on the total number of transactions allowed.
3. Not all applications are shown. For a full list see the Applications page